Penn Herb Wellness Guide

Magnesium: The Missing Mineral

Magnesium may not be a trendy nutrient in the world of health and fitness, but it's an extremely important one. It contributes to over 300 reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function, energy metabolism, and heart health, and evidence suggests that deficiency is widespread: up to half of the population lacks this key mineral in sufficient amounts. Magnesium deficiency can result in a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, irritability, and impaired cardiovascular function. With that in mind, here are a few things to know about avoiding deficiency:

  • The best place to start is with a whole foods diet that includes plenty of vegetables, beans, and seeds. Swiss chard, spinach, pumpkin and sesame seeds, soybeans, and black beans are all particularly high in magnesium.
  • Even in the presence of a well-balanced diet, many factors can cause magnesium to become depleted. Stress, birth control pills, potassium-depleting diuretics, alcohol consumption, and sweating during physical activity can cause magnesium in the body to drop.
  • Supplementing with 250300 mg of magnesium daily is another strategy for maintaining adequate levels.

Source: Yahoo Health

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