Penn Herb Wellness Guide
Coffee Flour May Provide More Antioxidants Than Traditional Brew
Coffee lovers—there may soon be another way for you to get your java. Science Daily reports that Brandeis biophysicist Dan Perlman, is developing a flour made from par-baked green coffee beans that could be used for baking and in nutritional supplements. By now, evidence of coffee’s health perks is no secret: research has found an association between coffee and a reduced risk of liver cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes. Some scientists believe an antioxidant found in coffee, called chlorogenic acid (CGA), is responsible for these health benefits. Traditional roasting techniques, which roast the beans for 10 to 15 minutes with temperatures upwards of 400F, tend to destroy the majority of CGA in coffee. Perlman combines a lower temperature with a shorter baking time, 300F for 10 minutes, to retain more of the beans' CGA. The par-baked beans are then milled in an ultra-cold nitrogen atmosphere meant to protect the bean’s beneficial components from oxidation. The whole process yields a flour that tastes nutty and mild. Perlman imagines that the coffee flour could be blended with other flours for baking or added to cereals, snack bars, and juices. The coffee flour could even be mixed with traditionally roasted beans to boost the CGA in your morning cup of joe.
Source: Science Daily
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