Star Anise, Powder, 16 oz (Illicium verum)
Wild Harvested

Star Anise, Powder, 16 oz (Illicium verum)

  • Item Number: 020P16

The Star of Your Kitchen & Medicine Cabinet

  • Pleasant-tasting digestive aid
  • Aromatic culinary spice

Star Anise is the dried fruit from an evergreen tree cultivated in China & Vietnam and features prominently in that region’s cuisine. In fact, it’s one of the main herbs in the popular Chinese Five-Spice powder. Star Anise is also featured in Indian garam masala, Thai dishes, as well as marinades. The powder is preferred for baking and curries.

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Common use:

Supports healthy digestion; alleviates gas, bloating, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps; pleasant-tasting flavoring for bitter herbal teas.

Other Uses:

Culinary spice used as a stronger-tasting substitute for Anise Seed; use for soups, curries, stir-fries and desserts; add to barbecue sauces and marinades for beef and pork.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
22129AG Anise, Star Illicium anisatum Vietnam
21162AG Anise, Star Illicium anisatum
20269AG Anise, Star Illicium anisatum
19296WH Anise, Star Illicium anisatum
19025GB Anise, Star Illicium anisatum China
18074GB Anise, Star Illicium anisatum
18075GB Anise, Star Illicium anisatum
17284GB Anise, Star Illicium anisatum
16127GB Anise, Star Illicium verum Viet Nam
15159GB Anise, Star Illicium verum Viet Nam
15030GB Anise, Star Illicum verum Viet Nam
11213WH Anise, Star Illicium verum Viet Nam
09351MB Anise, Star Illicium verum Thailand
09133GB Anise, Star Illicium verum
GB042508 Anise, Star Illicium verum
GB082703 Anise, Star Illicium verum
WH030602 Anise, Star Illicium verum Vietnam
WH030499 Anise, Star Illicium verum
FR050797 Anise, Star Illicium verum
  • Item Number: 020P16

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