Sandalwood, Yellow, Cut, 16 oz (Santalum album)
Wild Harvested

Sandalwood, Yellow, Cut, 16 oz (Santalum album)

  • Item Number: 370C16

Aromatic Wood Soothes & Supports

Yellow Sandalwood soothes urinary tract discomfort and promotes blemish-free skin. The aromatic wood and fragrant oil are principal ingredients in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

NOTE: Yellow Sandalwood is not related to Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus). They can however be used together for aromatic and skin care recipes.

COMMON NAMES: Chandana, Chandanam, Srigandha, White Sandalwood (when young).

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Common use:

Promotes urinary tract health; promotes skin health (skin wash, paste; steam facials).

Suggested directions:

Not to be used by persons with kidney disease.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
24303AG Sandalwood, Yellow Santalum album Australia
22129AG Sandalwood, Yellow Santalum album China
18317AG Sandalwood, Yellow Santalum album China
18059AG Sandalwood, Yellow Santalum album China
15173AG Sandalwood Santalum album China
15139AG Sandalwood, Yellow Santalum album China
14062AG Sandalwood, Yellow Santalum album China
11286SF Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album India
10259SF Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album India
SF011606 Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album
SF011205 Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album India
SW122302 Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album
SF011201 Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album
SW021298 Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album
SW120397 Sandalwood, yellow Santalum album
  • Item Number: 370C16

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