Quassia Chips, Powder, 1 oz (Simarouba excelsa)
Wild Harvested

Quassia Chips, Powder, 1 oz (Simarouba excelsa)

  • Item Number: 344P1

The Bitter Wood For Better Intestinal Health

  • Traditional bitter tonic
  • Encourages healthy digestion
  • Intestinal cleanser

Quassia is a traditional Caribbean and South American bitter tonic that promotes digestive health and strengthens stomach functions. It is also used by itself or in combination with Wormwood for intestinal cleansing.

COMMON NAMES: Bitter Wood Bark, Picrasma excelsa, Simarouba excelsa, Quassia amara.

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Common use:

Promotes healthy digestion; strengthens stomach function; promotes liver function; promotes intestinal cleansing; bitter tonic.

Suggested directions:


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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
23343MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
22075SW Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
21274MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
21119MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
20269AG Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Jamaica
20123MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
19200AG Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Jamaica
19053MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
18023MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
17095AB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa United States
17038HB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
15356MB Quassia Chips Quassia amara Mexico
14063WH Quassia Chips Picrasma excelsa Mexico
13175WH Quassia Chips Picrasma excelsa Mexico
10348MB Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB032409 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB032409 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB120607 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
MB110806 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa
HB081505 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB012004 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB082202 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB061102 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB092700 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
WH081999 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa Mexico
HB090898 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa
HB032896 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa
HB040595 Quassia Chips Simarouba excelsa
  • Item Number: 344P1

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