Ordering Information
Internet Ordering
Phone Orders
Mail Orders
Download printable order form
Fax Orders
General Ordering Information
Shipping & Handling
Foreign Orders
Back Orders
Electronic Receipt
Insufficient Funds
Guarantee and Returns
Claims For Damage, Shortage, and Non-Delivery
Adding To Orders
Secure Internet Ordering
Phone Orders: Call Toll Free (800) 523-9971
Order by phone Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Please have your express number (if you have one) and your credit card information ready when calling.
You will be asked for your "Billing Address" (This is the address where you receive your credit card statement. If it does not match your order cannot be processed. This security check is for your protection.)
Important: To avoid errors and omissions, please fill out your order form completely, including item numbers, before phoning. Sorry, additions are not possible after an order has been placed.
Mail Orders CLICK HERE to download printable order form
- Billing Address: Name, Address and Zip Code.
- Date and Daytime Phone Number.
- Shipping Address. (If different than Billing Address)
- Methods of Payment:
- We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit cards (fill out box on order form).
- If you are mailing your order, we also accept money orders or personal checks. (Note: Personal checks may delay order up to 2 weeks pending bank clearance. Returned checks will incur a $30.00 service charge.)
- Item Number, Form Desired, Description, Quantity Desired, and Price.
Mail To:
Penn Herb Co. Ltd.10601 Decatur Road, Suite 2
Philadelphia, PA 19154-3293
Fax Orders: Order by Fax (215) 632-7945
Fill out your order the same as Mail Orders (above), and enter credit card information in Box 4. Available 24 hours a day.
General Ordering Information
Note For Mail Orders: Fill out a separate order form and include a separate payment with each order.
Prices Subject to Change: We strive to keep our prices as stated in any mailings and on this website. However, due to price volatility and other factors, prices on merchandise and postage are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any order at any time.
Insufficient Funds: In the event that insufficient funds are provided, we will adjust merchandise quantity for money sent whenever possible or, if necessary, send a payment due form with your order.
Overpayment: Should you send more payment than necessary, or if an item you ordered is out of stock, we will issue a credit for use on future orders or we will send you a check - your choice.
Additional Information
Mailing List Preference:
We may make our mailing list available to carefully screened companies whose products or services might interest you. If you prefer to have your name withheld, please
Information & Customer Service:
For information and customer service, Or you may call (215) 632-6100 (8:30 am - 5:00 pm EST) For orders call (800) 523-9971 (8:30 am - 5:00 pm EST).
Shipping & Handling
Most Orders Shipped Within 24 Hours! Most orders are shipped by USPS (United States Postal Service). You may request USPS Priority Mail or UPS Delivery for an additional charge. To ensure fastest delivery please include: Apartment or Suite Numbers when applicable and Street Names and Numbers rather than Rural Route Numbers (RFD addresses).
Foreign Orders (Any order shipped outside the USA)
Methods of Payment: Please use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit cards or send U.S. funds with order.
Note: Initial orders from international customers using a credit card must include a copy of your most recent credit card statement or payment coupon. The statement or payment coupon must show the card number, card holder name, and billing address. The shipping address must be the same as the billing address. This is for your safety.
Shipping & Handling: You may specify First Class Mail International (for small packages only), Priority Mail International, or Express Mail International (fastest service). When you enter your order on this website, your postage will be calculated automatically.
Back Orders
To keep our prices low, we do not backorder merchandise. If an item is out of stock, we will not hold your order unless the item is due in within a few days. If we cannot fill your request, we will send you a credit for the difference so you can reorder that item on your next order.
Electronic Receipt
Please note that the electronic receipt generated after your order is placed is a verification that your order was received.
Insufficient Funds
In the event that insufficient funds are provided, we will adjust merchandise quantity for money sent whenever possible, or if necessary, send a payment due form with your order.
Guarantee & Returns
We have a 100% Quality Assurance Guarantee! We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase from us. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact our customer service department within 30 days of receipt for a return authorization number. Please write this RA number on a copy of your invoice and include with your return. Upon receipt of your return, we will issue you a prompt refund, usually within 5 days, or issue a credit or exchange. Shipping charges are not refundable.
Claims for Damage, Shortages or Breakage
Please note that claims for damage, shortages or breakage must be made within 5 days after receipt of merchandise.
If you do not receive your order within 30 days, call our customer service department at (215) 632-6100 (8:30 am - 5:00 pm. EST). Note: Claims for non-receipt of orders cannot be made after 6 months.
Adding to Orders
Additions and changes are not possible after you press "Place Order". Please be certain your order is correct before final submission.