Nettle Leaves, Organic, Cut 4 oz (Urtica dioica)
Organic Organic

Nettle Leaves, Organic, Cut 4 oz (Urtica dioica)

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  • Item Number: 281RC4

Herbal Tonic for Urinary & Respiratory Support

  • Fluid balance
  • Revitalizing herbal tonic

Nettle has a rich history, making its mark in 1st-century Greek medicine and later serving as a staple for the Cree and other Native American groups. Today, Nettle leaf is favored by herbalists for urinary tract support, fluid balance, and to support respiratory health during times of seasonal sensitivities.

Stinging Nettle leaf also nourishes, detoxifies, and reinvigorates vital body systems! Enjoy as an herbal beverage on its own or in combination with similar herbs such as Red Clover, Oat Straw, and Alfalfa leaf.

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Common use:

Fluid balance; pre-menstrual bloating; kidney, bladder, urinary tract health; non-drowsy seasonal sensitivities support; herbal tonic; builds healthy blood; traditional cleansing herb; maintains healthy uric acid levels.

Other Uses:

Postpartum tonic with Red Raspberry; lactation; herbal hair and skin care.

Suggested directions:

Not to be used during pregnancy or when there is fluid retention resulting from reduced cardiac of renal function.

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We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase from us. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact our customer service department within 30 days of receipt of your order for a prompt refund, credit or exchange (less shipping charges).

Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
25036BN Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
24323JH Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Ukraine
23336AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
23335AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
23242MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
23096AB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica India
22355AB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica India
22063MG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Serbia
21188AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Poland
21204MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
21104MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
21019AB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
21005MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
20212MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
20097MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
19357MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
19241AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Albania
18165AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
18145MG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
17124MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
17059MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
16309AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
16210MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
15363HB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
15356MB Nettle Leaf Urtica dioica United States
15168MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
15139AG Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
15013MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
14281MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
12147HB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
14063WH Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
13331MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
13331MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica United States
12284MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica USA
12123MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica E. Europe
10284SW Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
11213WH Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
11060WH Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
10355MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Europe
10229MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Europe
10232SB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
10071HB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
10014HB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
09280MB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
09251HB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
09247HB Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Hungary
SF050208 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
HB012508 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
WH051007 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Poland
HB012307 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Albania
WH030606 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
SF052605 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Europe
SW101504 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
HB012004 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
WH012204 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
HB070803 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
WH020303 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
SF091702 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Europe
WH072302 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
HB061102 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
HB070301 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Poland
HB120500 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
HB050900 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
WH042000 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
HB102199 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica Bulgaria
WH041499 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
SF050698 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
HB122997 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
HB082297 Nettle Leaves Urtica dioica
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  • Item Number: 281RC4

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