Cubeb Berries, Whole, 4 oz (Piper cubeba)
Wild Harvested

Cubeb Berries, Whole, 4 oz (Piper cubeba)

  • Item Number: 131W4

Spice Berries Boost Flavor & Health

  • Culinary spice
  • Traditional digestive aid

While Cubeb Berries is a mainstay in North African, Indian and Asian cuisines, why not add its exotic flavor to boost your soups, stews and sauces? The pungent spice is described as having a spicy-peppery flavor with a hint of allspice. Use Cubeb Berries whole or slightly crushed for your recipes, beverage infusions or to make tinctures. As an herbal remedy, Cubeb Berries are cited for use in therapeutic preparations for digestive discomforts and to support urinary tract and bladder health.

DID YOU KNOW: Cubeb Berries are also known as Java Pepper as it was once exclusively grown in Java, Indonesia?

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Common use:

Culinary spice for use in soups, stocks, stews, sauces, curries, vegetable dishes; used to boost the flavor of black pepper; add to spice blends along with bay leaf, oregano, sage, thyme.

Other Uses:

Supports bladder and urinary tract health; supports healthy urine flow; relieves occasional indigestion; relieves gas, nausea.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
22231MB Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Malaysia
22118MB Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Malaysia
21188AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
21005MB Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Malaysia
20269AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
20270AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
19200AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
19098AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
18059AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
13198AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
12326AG Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba Indonesia
SF071706 Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba
SF112304 Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba ASIA
SW110397 Cubeb Berries Piper cubeba
  • Item Number: 131W4

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