Cowslip Flowers, Powder, Organic 16 oz (Primula officinalis)

Cowslip Flowers, Powder, Organic 16 oz (Primula officinalis)

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  • Item Number: 127RP16

Experience Calming Respiratory Comfort

  • Supports respiratory function
  • Calms the nerves

Put nature’s solution on your side for calming respiratory support. Cowslip flowers calm the nerves and help to soothe the throat and bronchial passages. Encapsulate Cowslip or combine with Mullein flowers or Thyme to create a comforting respiratory blend. You can also experience its time-tested benefits in the Olbas Wellness Tea. Nerves on edge? Create a relaxing formulation with Hops, Blue Vervain, and similar herbs.

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Common use:

Supports respiratory and bronchial health; soothes the throat; relieves occasional sleeplessness; calms the nerves; relaxes the muscles; promotes head well-being.

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We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase from us. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact our customer service department within 30 days of receipt of your order for a prompt refund, credit or exchange (less shipping charges).

Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
24303AG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Serbia
23053AG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Bosnia-Herzegovina
18317AG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Romania
18243MG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Hungary
17275AG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Bosnia and Herzogovania
15139AG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Bosnia And Herzegowina
14057AG Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Albania
HB112206 Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Albania
HB032806 Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Albania
HB081505 Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis
HB072902 Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis Bulgaria
HB030797 Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis
HB083195 Cowslip Flowers Primula officinalis
Sorry, this item is currently out of stock. See Options
In-stock notification
  • Item Number: 127RP16

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