Coriander Seed, Whole, 4 oz (Coriandrum sativum)
Wild Harvested

Coriander Seed, Whole, 4 oz (Coriandrum sativum)

  • Item Number: 125W4

Aromatic, Citrusy Spice & Digestive Aid

While Coriander seed and leaf are from the same plant (Coriandrum sativum), they each have their own distinctive flavors and feature in unique recipes and blends. The fragrant yet slightly pungent, citrusy flavor of whole Coriander seeds is preferable for spiced drinks, marinades, and pickling blends.

In traditional herbalism, Coriander seed tea helps to calm digestive upsets and soothes gas, as well as abdominal cramps.

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Common use:

Culinary spice - maximize the distinct taste of whole Coriander seeds by toasting them before adding them to your favorite recipes.

Other Uses:

Traditional digestive aid helps to soothe digestive upset and gas; supports healthy digestion after heavy meals; blend with laxative herbs to help ease intestinal cramps.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
24276WH Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
24087SC Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
23343MB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Egypt
23102WH Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Egypt
21265MG Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum United States
20287MB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
20037MG Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum United States
18059AG Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Ukraine
18074GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
18074GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
17284GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
17285GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
16232GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
15335GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
14142GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Argentina
13057GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Bulgaria
12187GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum Canada
09133GB Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
GB071806 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
GB072102 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
SW091001 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
HB102396 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
GB121296 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
HB120495 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
HB101095 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
HB083195 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
GB050395 Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum
  • Item Number: 125W4

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