Caraway Seed, Powder, 4 oz (Carum carvi)
Wild Harvested

Caraway Seed, Powder, 4 oz (Carum carvi)

  • Item Number: 084P4

An Ancient Spice for Tempting Recipes

Did you know Caraway seeds were mentioned in ancient Egyptian medical texts dating back to the 1500 B.C. as a digestive aid? Ground Caraway seed lends its distinctive dill-anise-licorice like flavor to desserts, baked goods, as well as savory dishes.

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Common use:

Culinary spice for sweet & savory dishes; promotes healthy digestion.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
21279GB Caraway Seed Carum carvi Netherlands
20358GB Caraway Seed Carum carvi Finland
17200GB Caraway Seed Carum carvi Canada
15335GB Caraway Seeds Carum carvi Canada
14280GB Caraway Seeds Carum carvi Finland
12346WH Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi USA
12114GB Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi United States
11103GB Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi Canada
09133GB Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
GB022609 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
GB070207 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
AM082902 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
SW062001 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
SW110400 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
GB020599 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
SF040397 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
GB121296 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
HB092396 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
GB060395 Caraway Seed, Common Carum carvi
  • Item Number: 084P4

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