Borage Herb, Cut, Organic, 16 oz (Borago officinalis)
Organic Organic

Borage Herb, Cut, Organic, 16 oz (Borago officinalis)

  • Item Number: 062RC16

The Herb That "Makes Men Merry"

Mid-century herbal records show Borage being used to "make men merry" and to "comfort the heart and increase joy." Was that because it used to flavor wines, ciders, and other beverages?

Today, you’re more likely to find Borage in natural skincare preparations rather than in your favorite alcoholic beverage. Make a body wash, ointment or oil to soothe skin.

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Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
23207SW Borage Herb Borago officinalis Croatia
22069MD Borage Herb Borago officinalis United States
19098AG Borage Herb Borago officinalis Poland
16236AG Borage Herb Borago officinalis Poland
16237AG Borage Herb Borago officinalis Poland
15058MB Borage Herb Borage officinalis Germany
15058WH Borage Herb Borago officinalis Germany
12188WH Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis Poland
10259SF Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis Mexico
09281SW Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis
SW012709 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis ~
SW111708 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis
SW011707 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis
SF052605 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis USA
WH122701 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis Poland
SW010801 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis
SF041797 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis
HB040595 Borage Flower Tops Borago officinalis
  • Item Number: 062RC16

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