Barberry Bark of Root, Powder, 1 oz (Berberis vulgaris)
Wild Harvested

Barberry Bark of Root, Powder, 1 oz (Berberis vulgaris)

  • Item Number: 035P1

Bitter Tonic for Healthy Liver Support

  • Supports healthy liver & gallbladder functions
  • Bitter tonic

Barberry provides exceptional herbal support for liver & gallbladder health. It promotes the body cleansing action and, as a bitter tonic, encourages proper digestion. Encapsulate Barberry powder with similar herbs such as Oregon Grape root, Burdock, and Dandelion root, or prepare it as an ointment or other external preparation.

DID YOU KNOW: Barberry contains Berberine, the same plant compound abundant in both Goldenseal and Oregon Grape? Berberine supports the body’s immune defenses, among other benefits.

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Common use:

Supports healthy liver & gallbladder functions (promotes healthy bile production. Bile is the fluid stored in the gallbladder and is necessary for healthy digestion, especially of fats and fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, & E).

Other Uses:

Traditional cleansing herb; promotes bowel regularity; supports immune function; promotes healthy skin.

Suggested directions:

Not to be used during pregnancy. Consult a healthcare practitioner before use if nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

100% Quality Assurance Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase from us. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact our customer service department within 30 days of receipt of your order for a prompt refund, credit or exchange (less shipping charges).

Certificates of Analysis

Locate the Lot Number on your package, then click the corresponding Lot Number below to view the Certificate of Analysis for that item. The top line displays the Certificate for the lot currently available from inventory. Other lots below top line are no longer available.

PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin
24143WH Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
24141AB Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
23335AG Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
23102WH Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
22053MD Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
22032AB Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
20097WH Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp United States
20098WH Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp Bulgaria
18145MG Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
18137AB Barberry Bark of Root Berberis spp India
17201MG Barberry Bark of Root Berberis vulgaris India
17117HQ Barberry Bark of Root Berberis vulgaris Croatia
15307WH Barberry Bark of Root Berberis vulgaris India
15105WH Barberry Bark of Root Berberis vulgaris India
14280NI Barberry Bark of Root Berberis aristata India
13175WH Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
13175WH Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
12363SB Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
11333SW Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
11336SB Barberry Bark of Root Berberis vulgaris India
10162HB Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris Pakistan
10054SW Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
HB072808 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris Pakistan
HB100506 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris Pakistan
HB072706 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris Pakistan
SF080105 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
SB050305 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
AM122302 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
AM082902 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
HB051501 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
SW030999 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
SW021298 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
SF111297 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris India
HB020696 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
HB120495 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
HB120495 Barberry Bark Berberis vulgaris
  • Item Number: 035P1

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