Respiratory discomfort can make life truly miserable. Promote free breathing and support healthy lung function with Eudos Bronquilan. This liquid formula blends over 25 herbs and vitamins aimed at promoting maximum respiratory health.
Active ingredients in this botanical formulation include cayenne, fenugreek, echinacea, and eucalyptus. Naturally flavored with lemon, and peppermint, there are no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives just natural ingredients that make this elixir pleasantly potent.
This preparation can be used by adults and children over 3 years old. The recommended dosage for adults is three teaspoons per day. Children can be given up to three teaspoons daily.
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Alfalfa, Petiveria alliancea/Anamu, Cayenne (Cayena), Horsetail (Cola de Caballo), White Oak Bark (Corteza de Roble Blanco), Cundeamor, Dandelion (Diente de Leon), Juniper (Enebro), Echinacea (Equinaceas), Eucalyptus (Eucalipto), Fenugreek (Fenogreco), Ganoderma Extract, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Catnip (Hierba Gatera), Lemon (Limon), Lobelia, Chamomile (Manzanilla), Marshmallow (Malvavisco), Peppermint (Mente verde), Nettle (Ortiga), Saw Palmetto (Palmito enano), Pau D'Arco (Palo de Arco), Radish (Rabano), Aloe Vera (Sabila), Cat's Claw (Una de gato), Carrot (Zanahoria), Beta Carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Molasses. NO artificial preservatives. NO color or flavor.
Helps maintain free breathing.
Adults: 3 teaspoons daily. Children Over 3 years old: 3 teaspoons daily. Shake before use.
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32 fl oz (Sun Force International)
8 fl oz (Planetary Herbals)
4 fl oz (Nature's Wonderland)
3.4 fl oz (Terry Naturally)
Olbas Herbal Wellness Tea 7 Oz /200 G Penn Herb